Printable. First Day of School Banner.

My little one is starting Kindergarten tomorrow and I couldn't be more thrilled.  More on that later.  Just wanted to get this banner up so hopefully someone else can use it too.

After putting him to bed tonight I realized I wanted to make tomorrow morning a little more special and whipped up this banner really quick. I'll add a picture of it when I'm done with the whole thing.

Update: Quick iPhone pic for the win! I used staples to attach the papers to the card stock since I couldn't find a glue stick or double sided tape anywhere! Seemed appropriate though.

Just right click, save, and cut out.  Feel free to mount on card stock and add whatever to it.  It's nothing fancy but it'll do the trick. I kept it simple with rectangle designs for the letters, the middle portion being two pieces that are half sheets when cut, and then the rest like the rectangle letters on the top.

You will need a way to punch holes, string, and hang the banner! I'll leave that to you!! Happy First Day of School!!

 Click Here for Full Image

 Click Here for Full Image

This is the first time I've done a printable so I'm hoping it works as simple clicking on the image, follow the link to the original image, and saving the jpg. I guess we will find out! I'll look into getting an account to host other printable files when I have more time.

Tag @lifeisbluthiful on Instagram, I would love to see your banners!



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