Just Because. Moving. Halloween.

Halloween is just around the corner and I am so over trying to think about anything right now.  Mind you, I am currently cutting vinyl for soccer tees for our oldest's team while the whole house sleeps, again trying to just decompress.  What? Not everyone decompresses by designing 20 t-shirts for your child's soccer team?

We just moved from our first home into our temporary place while our new home is being finished.  The past two weeks have been nothing short of crazy and exhausting.

It all started with our youngest getting sick.  Six days of a high fever and two days of throwing up.  Four days in our oldest gets fever just after returning home from church, followed by two days of throwing up. Mind you this is all during our last week in our home and last push to have everything packed up and enjoy our last days in our house.

Then that same day (as the oldest getting his fever) I develop what looks like cellulitis in my index finger due to a bee sting from the week previous. Stupid bee. Well the swelling and pain landed me in urgent care due to the fact that it was the weekend. Yay. Script written. Antibiotic taken, me getting sick to my stomach, throwing up each time I take it.  hmmm....

Thank goodness for my mother in law who graciously took the sick kiddos so I could finally finish up the last of the packing.  We spent our last night having a picnic in the family room talking about our favorite things about the house (I won't get into the sappy stuff, no time for that here). The boys played in the backyard one more time. The AMAZING neighbors on our street came over with flowers and a gift and I lost it with an ugly cry. Yup, it was ugly. ha.

About an hour later my eyes started itching like crazy. I could NOT stop rubbing them.  The white part of my eye swelled up and I barely made it home (to our temp home) with the boys before my eyes swelled up so bad that I couldn't open them anymore! Thank goodness we are staying in my parent's guest house and they came right over to watch the boys and my sister and brother in law came to get me and take me to the ER since that was the only thing open at the time.  Bry was stuck packing up the last of the backyard in the U-Haul and met us later.

The ER experience deserves its own post if I ever get around to it. Long story short, allergic conjunctivitis, possible infection/virus, corneal abrasions on my right eye, and massive swelling. JUST WHAT I NEEDED! In the end I ended up with just a severe allergic reaction and corneal abrasions on both eyes, had to wear sunglasses indoors (like a rockstar), and got a pass on doing anything that required the ability to see for a few days.

Anywho, normally this year we would be in full force prepping for Halloween. However, with the move we will be sitting this one out this year.  Oh, have no fear the kids will get to go trick or treating, but our normal traditions will be toned down, A LOT.

Traditionally we have always done a theme for Halloween to include costumes, a decked out wagon, and a theme for the house and candy we hand out.  Since we won't be doing the house theme, since we don't have one, it got me thinking about our past Halloweens, tear. Still debating if we will do the wagon given our tight space here in the guest house, aka the Bluth Bungalow, we may skip that part too. MORE TEARS.

Our First Halloween with a kid. Circus Theme. 2013.

First. The wagon. It probably should have said "Le Cirque" instead. But that was an oversight on my part. You live and you learn right? Had lights and even played circus type music as it was pulled through the neighborhood.

Second. Our kid. He was THE cutest little lion that I ever did see.  I remember that we ordered a costume off amazon-BUST.  So the day of we went to the nearest Party City and got this costume instead.  It was big on him so we use my hair ties to keep the footies up at his ankle and his rather large noggin fit the head piece just fine! 

Just eating some rocks

Third. The house.  Welcome to the Big Top naturally. Sewed this bad boy up in a few minutes with felt/fleece that I purchased at Hobby Lobby. Shameless coupon plug- make more than 1 trip if you need to to save that 40% off each cut of fabric! Oh and measure. lol.

Ok so the house was a big top tent and then the Elephant Trick or Treat backdrop was made by my mother in law for a previous church event. Bry donned a long tube sock and that was the elephant's trunk and candy giver. That's my cute niece as Minnie Mouse. We wanted to hand out circus peanuts, but instead I believe we did the small baggies of circus animal crackers.

Our little one ended the evening taking a cat nap (get it?), but enjoyed his evening being pulled around the neighborhood collecting candy for his parents.

This post is long so I'll post the others here: Halloween 2014. Halloween 2015. Halloween 2016.



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